Sewer Treatment Plant Inlet Works
BMD (TasWater) Nov 2015 to Jul 2016
Installation of new Inlet Screens and civil works at 6 Sewer Treatment Plant Sites.

New Norfolk Trunk Sewer Construction Works

The supply and installation of a new DN300 uPVC SN8 sewage gravity main pipeline at New Norfolk, adjacent to Hobart Road (Lyell Highway).

St Helens Sewer Pump Station
TasWater - July 2017 to May 2019
Upgrading the Esplanade Sewage Pumping Station, by way of decommissioning the existing pump stations, and providing a new pump station and emergency storage
TasWater - Aug 2015

Lauderdale Sewer Scheme
TasWater - May 2013 to May 2014
The project was the first of its size and type ever installed in Tasmania and comprised the complete installation of a pressure sewer system for the community of Lauderdale, including a pressurised pipe collection network system complete with air valves and flushing points, commissioning and compliance certification of on property pressure sewer pumping units including electrical works and property owner satisfaction requirements. Installation of new PSU units is ongoing.