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TasWater Regional Water Supply Improvement Program - Small Towns Projects

Sep 2017 - Aug 2018     TasWater 

Objective of the Regional Towns Water Supply Improvement Program (RTWSIP) was to remove Boil Water Alerts (BWA) and Public Health Notices (PHN) for 12  townships around Tasmania.   Water Industry Solutions completed works in the below townships, directly for TasWater and also as subcontractors to two other companies:



TasWater - in areas Herrick, Mathinna, Bronte Park, Wayatinah, Judury, Cornwall, Rossarden (2018)


Approximately 30km of various pipe sizes from 25mm to 150mm at Rossarden, Cornwall and Judbury to upgrade existing reticulation system which includes 127 property connections. Works also at Herrick, Mathinna, Bronte Park, Wayatinah
















Zinfra  – Colebrook/Campania,  Judbury    $4.1m (2017-2018)


34km construction of both HDPE and Opvc Gravity and Rising Mains ranging from DN90 to DN200 providing potable water from one township to another, including implementation and installation of traffic control, isolation valves, fire hydrants, service connections and Scour & Air Valves. WIS are utilising a combination of conventional open trenching methods and horizontal directional drilling technologies to meet desired time frames.


















Stornoway  –  National Park, Westerway, Fentonbury


Westerway/Fentonbury $1.2M - 2.3km of 140 HDPE Pn25 high pressure rising main and 1.2km of 125 HDPE.  Supply pipe line from the new Water Treatment Plant to the existing retic network. 

This Project was a design and construct Contract and special consideration was given to surge analysis and pressure control.


National Park $270K - 1km of 110 HDPE Pipe line from newly constructed Water Treatment Plant to the existing reticulation supply.  This project was Design & Construct and was undertaken by WIS in-house Design Engineer to TasWater Standards.



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